Pre-Bike Fit Δ
You identify as:
– Select – Non-binary Female Male
What is the primary bike that you’re fitting with Basicycle?
Will your bike fit with Basicycle be your first bike fit?
Do you still have the measurements from your previous bike fit?
Have you done an FTP test?
Please list any physical pain or complaints that you might have in your daily life:
Do you have any current injuries?
Have you had any major injuries in the past?
Have you had any surgeries?
Have you had any fractured or broken bones?
Your Life on The Bicycle Tell us about your cycling practice…
Ride Experience:
– Select – Just Beginning Less than 3 Years 3 to 5 Years 5 to 8 Years More than 8 Years
Average Weekly Ride Time:
– Select – Less than 5 Hours 5 to 10 Hours More than 10 Hours
Do you commute on your bike?
Are you member of a triathlon club?
Additional comments about your cycling:
Any other sports? What other sports do you like to do?
Do you do yoga or Pilates?
Do you lift weights? Do you do any strength training?
Do you practice any other sports?
More About Bikes: Your current placement on your bike. Where do we start?
How do you feel in general when you’re riding your bicycle?
Which parts of your handlebars do you hold while riding?
Is your bike fitted with aero bars?
Are you comfortable staying on aero bars for extended periods of time?
Are you interested in obtaining aero bars?
Are you happy with your hands, elbows and arms while riding?
Are you happy with your neck, shoulders and upper back while you’re on your bike?
Are you happy with your lower back and hips while riding?
Are you happy with your legs, knees and ankles while riding?
Describe the discomforts:
Are your feet happy while riding?
Describe the discomforts:
Which pedal types do you use?
Do you feel that your shoes the right size?
Do you wear orthotics (orthopedic insoles) in your shoes?
Why were your insoles prescribed?
Extra Bike Fit Options Basicycle offers personalized mini-courses on multiple topics related to your overall health and well-being including mobility training, strength training, and standing up to a sitting world (training against a sedentary lifestyle)! Additionally, you can tell us about any other topic you’re interested in exploring. We will try to gather the necessary information in advance to be ready to answer your questions and help you!
This step is completely OPTIONAL!
Each module costs €30 and will take about 20 additional minutes. Opting in to pay in cash earns you one free module.
Please check the subjects that you are willing to take part in:
The Basicycle Athletes Community The Basicycle Athletes Community is a tight-knit circle of friends proudly supported by Basicycle.
Our members have special privileges for the services we offer at Basicycle. They also receive special offers and discounts from us and our network of friends and partners.
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